happy day

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When you are at work, you need a fragrant shrubs to stimulate the brain, there is a broad leaved plant to clean the air Office ( office air pollution may be5 times higher than outdoors ). Based on a number of factors ( such as light, and you are willing to pay the amount of labor ) to select suitable leaf plants are placed in the office of. New York city comprehensive medical physician James Dillard and Dr. Why You Can ' t" Without Them" ( why did you leave them) author Bill Wolverton, given the following guidance, a fresh air, clear the brain.

Office should be placed six plants

1San Weikui

Advantages: clean air

Ray: indirect light

Degree of care: moderate

Thanks to its large leaves ( some can grow up to 6feet high, and has60 leaflets ), the palm to filter the suspended particles are particularly effective.


Advantages: stimulation of the brain

Ray: indirect light

Degree of care: simple

According to the" International Journal of neuroscience" a study, smell of mint can increase your agility, enhance memory. In addition, summer jobdab4d60ck also helps to curb your appetite.

3English ivy

Advantages: air purification

Ray: indirect light

Degree of care: simple

The United States University of Georgia testing found, English ivy for absorption of volatile organic compounds and computer and other office machines is discharged out of the suspended particles are particularly effective, these substances will usually cause headaches and nausea.

4lemon balm ( lemon )

Advantages: stimulation of the brain

Ray: indirect light

Degree of care: simple

The United States Ohio State University researchers found, lemon aromas can improve mood, height in the levels of norepinephrine ( noradrenaline is a kind of chemicals in the brain, can influence the mood and behavior ).

5 Huang Jinge

Advantages: air purification

Ray: indirect light

Degree of care: simple

This strong vine can reduce indoor ozone amount. Even at low levels of exposure to ozone, such as printers and copiers emitting ozone,chinese herbal product can cause chest pain and irritation of the throat.


Advantages: stimulation of the brain

Ray: indirect light

Degree of care: moderate

It is as a long acting antidepressants. A gardenia can live for 25years, every time you smell its fragrance, your mood will have significantly improved.

タグ :antidepressants

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Posted by susan858 at 2012年07月23日   17:22
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